“Our Biggest Fight: Dying To Self & Becoming A Chain Breaker For Others” Part 6

Anytime we’re trying to accomplish anything, whether its climbing higher heights in our careers, breaking old habits, turning over a new leaf or fulfilling a goal, vision or dream, there’s always a reason behind it and usually, we have an end goal in mind. The other day as I was praying about my own goals and reflecting on my family, the Lord spoke one thing:

“Break Your Own Chains So You Can Be The Chain Breaker In Your Family.”

Wow! That definitely put a new spin on why I needed to break my own chains!

In fulfilling the calling on my life and breaking the chains of obesity, the Lord began to show me to bigger picture of WHY I needed to break my chains. I realized at that moment that outside of just accomplishing my own personal goals, there are other’s on the outside, on the side-lines of my deliverance that I’m assigned to help.  There are generational curses and giants that possessed our land in our family for far too long and He’s looking for me to be that Chain Breaker.

As I prayed and reflected some more on my own family, my kids and patterns of behaviors and destinies I’ve seen of those in the past, I felt a holy resolve to declare,

“No more! Devil, you will not have my family.  I will be that Chain Breaker, and I’ll be that Chain Breaker for others.

The Lord is saying to you too over what He’s calling you to do,

“Break Your Chains & I’ll Use You To Help Break The Chains of Others.”

I realize now that my own physical transformation is not just for me only, but God has other’s in mind. As I look over my life, reflect on family history, the fate of certain family members I’ve seen taken down by those generational curses and familiar spirits, I look at my own kids, my family that’s still living and the area’s I’ve seen him wreck havoc in and Holy anger rises up in me and I declare,

“NO MORE! NO MORE! NO MORE! You will not have my kids, you will not have my family, I will be that Chain Breaker.” 

What we do or don’t do really matters, I mean it really matters and affects the lives of others.

A couple of things The Lord wants us to call to mind when He’s asking us to die to certain things:

  1. What chains we don’t break, the area’s we don’t die too, we’ll leave those same giants and strongmen for our kids to battle and fight.
  2. The breakthrough we desire for our family might be connected to our own breakthrough.  As we break our chains, God may use us to be the chain breaker in our families.
  3. We’ll remain crippled in the area’s we won’t die too AND, we’ll potentially cripple others.
  4.  Whatever we do here on earth, affects the inheritance we leave for our kids and future generations.
  5. The world is waiting, we’ll forfeit our part in the deliverance of others.

What The Lord wants us to see is that,

Our Deliverance directly impacts the successes and failures, the life and death of others, especially, our kids and families.

So every time I go outside the will of God in the area’s He’s calling me to be disciplined in, every time I’m selfish and refuse to die to a certain thing, I have to think twice. It’s not all about me!!! I am responsible to Christ, and as He died for me, He’s looking for me to think more of Him than myself and think of other’s too. Christ died already for us, now it’s our turn to die for Him. We have to rise up, declare and obey God and in turn, He’ll work miracles for and through us if we let Him.

Continue to join me as I share with you what Christ is sharing with me about overcoming. As always, Be Encouraged, Stay Connected, Fight and Let’s Become Free Together.

In His Name,

Ke’Shawn Adamson




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